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Country Fit



"Country Fit" is a fun,  fresh, new branded concept combining a fitness class, with line dancing and country dancing elements
Some dances will be done in lines, some in a circle... you will be constantly moving around the room. ... there is no "front line" in this class!
The routines bring people together by moving in all directions,  it helps improve co-ordination and also uses the mind and memory. 


It is all about bringing people together, knocking down barriers, laughing together and making new friends.


The routines are fun and to toe tapping music but will often descend into chaos when things don't go exactly to plan.... ( which they will...... that is absolutely fine and a big part of the class!

It is designed to be suitable for all ages groups (though my classes are all for age 17+ only)

(Please note that this is not just a "line dancing" class- I am not an expert line dancer, I do hold all the relevant qualifications for being able to instruct a fitness class and  "Exercise to Music" classes)

Ooh, one more thing- it is a very interactive class- and you will need to be in direct contact with other people, so you will be required to link arms or hold hands in some dances (have  alook at the video below, to get an idea-I just wanted to point this out beforehand, just in case anyone would not be comfortable with this 🙏)


Here are a couple of videos, to give you an idea of what a class will look like
(These are videos of Suzanne's classes, who is the lovely creator and boss-lady of Country Fit 🥰🤠)



Tuesdays: 7.15pm at Melmerby Village Hall

Wednesdays: 10.30am at Upstage Academy, Ripon

Thursdays: 5pm at Allhallowgate Church Hall, Ripon


Country Fit classes can currently be only booked on a "Pay Monthly" option
Pay As You Go spaces are not currently available
If you would like to book a regular space, please get in touch and I'll let you know which classes have availability. Pay Monthly spaces cannot be booked vie my website.


Class is multi directional so you will need to be wearing TRAINERS..... cowboy boots are not suitable footwear for this class
Please ensure that your trainers are clean so as not to damage or mess up the floor in the venues. 

You will need to be wearing clothes that are comfortable and lightweight- so just what would be normally worn to a regular fitness class- so shorts/leggings/joggers and a vest or T-shirt type top and a jumper/hoddie if required.

Cowboy hats are not required in class

Please bring a bottle of water with a secure top

If you tend to get sweaty when exercising, please bring a small towel or flannel.



Please don't feel nervous- everyone will make you feel welcome
It will be fun- you'll meet new people and make friends.
If you do come with other people,  you will all be mixed up during the class... so there is no advantage or disadvantgage to coming alone or with friends.

T's & C's

*Everyone is required to complete my "Pre-Class Questionnaire" before attending any of my classes.
*Once booked, there are no swaps, transfers or refunds, so please ensure you are happy with the included dates for your class before booking.
*If you know you are 100% going to be unable to attend any of your included sessions, that is absolutely fine, but  please let me know in advance, so that I can plan the content of class accordingly.
*Numbers are strictly limited per class.
* If the class you wish to come to becomes fully booked, please contact me to be added to a waiting list for the New Year
*Please wear trainers and workout clothing (not dressed up a cowboys/cowgirls!)
* All my classes are for age 17+ (sorry no children allowed in the venue during classes)

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